Swinton Conclave No.355
Freindship Evening
Members of the Divisional Team supported Swinton Conclave in their last meeting of the season when they organised a "Friendship Meeting" to which Royal Arch Companions from the Eccles and District Group were invited.
After the business of the meeting was concluded, the Conclave was closed and the visiting Companions were escorted into the Conclave by members of the Sepulchre Guard.
They then learned about the history of the Order, the Furnishings of the Conclave and Regalia from V.Ill.Kt. Ralph Dumbell and the contents of the website from P.Kt. Colin Rowling as well as hearing a snippet of ritual from MPS Ian Edge.
After retiring from the Conclave the members and guests were treated to a superb Festive Board where Recorder P.Kt. Edwin Schofield was congratulated on organising a super event.